Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Photo of the Week: Conquering Exposure Compensation

This month has been all about ah-ha photography moments. When you take a look at your new camera's manual, it's easy to get overwhelmed. After all, it's impossible to absorb all of the ins & outs of your equipment on first glance. Many times I know what needs to happen to get that perfect photo, but I just can't remember how to make my camera do what I want it to! Most of my learning has been trial & error.

I mentioned in my last post that the sunset on Saturday night was breathtaking. Unfortunately, every photo I snapped was washed out & I couldn't manage to capture the gorgeous light! I was infuriated!

After fighting with my camera, I finally had a breakthrough & remembered a handy dandy post on exposure compensation by the Pioneer Woman. I gave it a try & let me tell you... it changed everything.

I am not an expert photographer, but I feel like I'm making baby steps... (last week, I conquered changing the shutter speed to capture some awesome firework photos). Here's my secret to improved photography skills: just have patience, take lots of photos & don't be discouraged! You'll have plenty of ah-ha moments of your own. Promise. (Also, reading photo blogs has helped! PW has a great photography section, I also love Ken Rockwell, Shutter Sisters, Ryan Detzel & Miz Booshay).

1 comment:

  1. Suz, thanks for posting this! I have been reading up and am excited to explore this photography thing with you :)


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