Sunday, April 4, 2010

Preview: lizfay comes for a visit!

On this Easter afternoon, I wanted to share a few snapshots (with our brand-spanking new camera!) of our super fantastic visit with our dear friend, Liz. Liz decided to spend her Spring Break with us in warm / springy North Carolina, and we had a grand time doing lots of touristy things while she was here. Here's a taste of the past few days:
I'll write & post more photos later, but right now I need a nap. I'm going to catch some zzzs on our patio & attempt to lose the horrible farmer's tan I managed to get from all of our outdoor adventures. Sweet dreams...


  1. THESE PICTURES MAKE ME REALLY HAPPY!!! (And I'm glad to have a generous friend to share them with me via flashdrive!!) :-)

  2. wowie kazowie, the colors on that last pic are so fantastic with your shirt, necklace and headband, suz!!!

  3. oh but i screwed with that one in picasa just for the fun of it. i didn't mess with the other 3. (i wish my shirt & headband were neon!)

    last night while doing some light reading (ha!) on, i learned how to fiddle with the camera so that my shots are more vivid & i won't have to mess with them later. this photography stuff is FUN!

  4. Very cool! Wish we all could have been there!


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